Vitamin D Insufficiency in Diabetic Retinopathy – Sept 2011
Endocr Pract. 2011 Sep 22:1-18.
Payne JF, Ray R, Watson DG, Delille C, Rimler E, Cleveland J, Lynn MJ, Tangpricha V, Srivastava SK.
Department of Vitreoretinal Surgery and Disease, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Objective: To assess the relationship between vitamin D status and diabetic retinopathy
Methods: A clinic-based, cross-sectional study was conducted at Emory University. A total of 221 subjects were classified into five groups based on diabetes status and retinopathy findings:
- no diabetes or ocular disease (n = 47),
- no diabetes with ocular disease (n = 51),
- diabetes with no background diabetic retinopathy (No BDR; n = 41),
- nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR; n = 40), and
- proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR; n = 42).
Key exclusion criteria included type 1 diabetes and those taking > 1000 IU vitamin D daily. Subjects underwent dilated fundoscopic examination and were tested for hemoglobin A1c, serum creatinine, and 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) between December 2009 and March 2010.
Results: Between the groups, there was no statistical difference in age, race, sex, or multivitamin use.
Diabetic subjects had lower 25(OH)D levels than non-diabetic subjects (22.9 ng/ml versus 30.3 ng/ml, p<0.001).
The mean 25(OH)D levels were as follows:
- No diabetes or ocular disease = 31.9 ng/ml,
- No diabetes with ocular disease = 28.8 ng/ml,
- No BDR = 24.3 ng/ml, NPDR = 23.6 ng/ml, PDR = 21.1 ng/ml.
Univariate analysis of the 25(OH)D levels demonstrated statistical significance between the study groups, race, body mass index, multivitamin use, hemoglobin A1c, serum creatinine, and estimated glomerular filtration rate. In a multivariate linear model with all potential confounders, only multivitamin use remained significant (p<0.001).
Conclusions: This study suggests that diabetic subjects, especially those with PDR, have lower 25(OH)D levels than those without diabetes.
PMID: 21940279
Note: subjects selected for the study did not take >1000 IU of vitamin D
See also VitaminDWiki
Overview Diabetes and vitamin D contains the following summary
- Diabetes is 5X more frequent far from the equator
- Children getting 2,000 IU of vitamin D are 8X less likely to get Type 1 diabetes
- Obese people get less sun / Vitamin D - and also vitamin D gets lost in fat
- Sedentary people get less sun / Vitamin D
- Worldwide Diabetes increase has been concurrent with vitamin D decrease and air conditioning
- Elderly get 4X less vitamin D from the same amount of sun
Elderly also spend less time outdoors and have more clothes on - All items in category Diabetes and Vitamin D
557 items: both Type 1 and Type 2 Vitamin D appears to both prevent and treat diabetes
- Appears that >2,000 IU will Prevent
- Appears that >4,000 IU will Treat , but not cure
- 90% less T2 Diabetes in the group having lots of Vitamin D
- Appears that Magnesium helps both Prevention and Treatment
- Many diabetics would be better treated if Gut-Friendly Vitamin D were used
Number of articles in both categories of Diabetes and:
- Dark Skin
25 ; Intervention 57 ; Meta-analysis 40 ; Obesity 37 ; Pregnancy 45 ; T1 (child) 39 ; Omega-3 11 ; Vitamin D Receptor 24 ; Genetics 13 ; Magnesium 32 Click here to see details Some Diabetes studies
- Take Vitamin D to prevent prediabetes from progressing into diabetes – American Diabetic Association – 2024
- Diabetes and Vitamin D meta-analyses - many studies 39+ as of Nov 2024
- 99.7% of people who got Diabetes had been regularly consuming food emulsifiers - May 2024
- Type 2 Diabetes treated by Vitamin D (often 50,000 IU weekly) – meta-analysis July 2023
- Diabetic inflammation synergistically decreased by Vitamin D and exercise – RCT June 2022
- Incidence of Type-2 Diabetes increased 3X in 30 years (by the way, Vitamin D helps) – July 2022
- Vitamin d treats Type II Diabetes in many ways (14 article review) - Sept 2021
- T2 Diabetes 30 percent more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis of 47 studies – July 2021
50 ng of Vitamin D fights Diabetes
- Saudi study defines normal Vitamin D level to be 50 to 70 ng (diabetes, etc.) - June 2020
- Diabetes 5X less likely if more than 50 ng of Vitamin D – April 2018
T1 Diabetes
- T1 Diabetes 3X lower risk if high vitamin D (over 40 ng) – Meta-analysis Nov 2020
- Type 1 Diabetes is prevented and treated by Vitamin D – review of 16 studies – Sept 2019
- Type 1 Diabetes prevention with Vitamin D and Omega-3 – Symposium April 2019
- 4X reduction in prediabetes progressing to T2D if more than 50 ng of vitamin D – RCT March 2023
- Prediabetes reduced by weekly 60,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Jan 2021
- Prediabetes 1.5 X more likely to go away if take Vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2020
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Magnesium - many studies
- All items in category Diabetes and Vitamin D
557 items - All items in category Vision and Vitamin D
112 items The items in both Diabetes and Vision are listed here:
- Retinopathy in males 6.9 X more likely if low vitamin D and low Magnesium - June 2024
- Diabetic Retinopathy associated with low Vitamin D - many studies
- Diabetic Retinopathy twice as likely if a T2 Diabetic has low level of vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2017
- Diabetic Retinopathy 2 X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis Nov 2016
- Diabetic Retinopathy 27 percent more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis May 2016
- Diabetic Neuropathy sometimes can be reversed by vitamin D
- Worse diabetic vision is associated with low vitamin D or high PTH - Nov 2012
- Diabetics have more retina problems as they have less vitamin D – Sept 2011
Diabetics have more retina problems as they have less vitamin D – Sept 20119413 visitors, last modified 28 May, 2016, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category) - All items in category Vision and Vitamin D